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The SAIF Management Committee serves as the highest policy and decision-making authority of the organization.

We aim to defend and promote the interest related to our scope of work and mandate of all our members and interested parties, in particular:

To arrange, hold and/or participate in local and international symposia, lectures and advertising campaigns, at such places as may be advisable with a view to promote the responsible use of alcohol.

To promote and foster the responsible use of alcohol in the mutual interest of all members or parties engaged in related activities.

To promote, support or make representation in relation to legislative or other measures affecting the interest of members by appropriately representing the common interests of its members in interactions with Government and relevant stakeholders.

To formulate voluntary codes of conduct and encourage member companies to adopt policies guiding responsible conduct in all their marketing and communication activities and enhance the freedom of its members to market alcoholic beverages in a spirit of self-regulation as opposed to legislation.

The Management Committee consists of at least one nominated representative of the founding members:

Full Members:

Associate Members:


Members of SAIF are subject to a programme that monitors their compliance with the Code of conduct. The programme includes making all employees aware of the Code, its contents, purpose, and what is required to adhere to the Code.


Management takes on the responsibility of training and implementing the programme within their organization. 


Compliance with the Code must be a pre-requisite when awarding business to:

• advertising agencies

• market research companies

• media buyers and other external consultants

• event management companies

Each member will be required to sign an annual Certificate of Compliance confirming their compliance or non-compliance with the Code and the remedial action taken in the case of the latter.


A copy of the certificate will be submitted to the National Liquor Authority and SAIF for record-keeping purposes.

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